


Electromagnetic DSWL
Double Shockwave Lithotripsy

Duet Magna introduces the combination of electromagnetic technology and the double shockwave concept, allowing for some clear and unique advantages in the field of shockwave lithotripsy.



Freedom To Choose

Duet Magna was designed to give you the freedom to choose your preferred C-arm fluoroscopy and ultrasound systems.  Direx-Initia provides the lithotripsy system's core - the shockwave generator and treatment table - and allows you to select from a variety of supported C-arm fluoroscopy and ultrasound units. 

The Butterfly Focal Area

The Duet Magna is equipped with two reflectors and performs Double Shockwave Lithotripsy (DSWL) from these two sources.

DSWL results in the formation of a unique Butterfly Focal Area that concentrates pressure to the stone from two different angles, and spreads the "head and tail" of the shock wave volume to reduce the risk of kidney damage.  In fact, the Duet Magna roughly converts the focal volume to a sphere, which is considered the ideal focal volume for lithotripsy.   The Butterfly Focal Area is superior to the conventional
Butterfly Focal Area

ellipsoid, or "cigar", that only utilizes the central section of the focal area.  This renders the "head and tail" of the focal area useless in terms of stone disintegration and only contributes to kidney damage.

Distribute the Energy to Reduce Renal Damage

The Duet Magna, like its predecssor, the electro-hydraulic Duet, causes significantly less kidney damage than treamtents with a single reflector. The clear advantage of Double Shockwave Lithotripsy lies in the fact that the total number of shocks is divided between two areas of the kidney so that only half of the shocks propagated towards the stone pass through the lower part of the kidney, while the other half pass through the upper part.

Freedom To Choose

C-arm Options

C-arms are general surgery fluoroscopy units that can be used not only for lithotripsy, but for other urological procedures as well.  C-arms from a variety of manufacturers can easily be coupled to the Duet Magna to provide high-quality imaging with minimal set-up time.  A mechanical coupling module maintains perfect calibration during treatments.

Direx 3Dscope

Ultrasound Options

Ultrasound localization can be very useful for radio-transparent stones and for non-radiation reatments. The Duet Magna can be operated with a special ultrasound attachment , oriented towards the F2 in the horizontal plane, which leads to an easy localization procedure . Online ultrasound allows continuous monitoring and control of the stone disintegration process without having to stop the treatment.    ultrasound_241

Urological Procedure Options

The treatment table enables comfortable shockwave lithotripsy treatments, as well as other urological procedures. The table is electrically operated on three axes, plus the Trendelenburg movement.
